Rite concentrate to leave cinder for extraction of cobaltous sulphide and oxide, metal cobalt and cobaltic salts. 酸化焙烧钴硫精矿配气制硫酸,矿渣制硫化钴、氧化钴、金属钴及系列钴盐,并提取矿渣中的有价金属;
Extraction and Processing of Cobaltous Oxide from Waste ZnO Varistors 从废旧氧化锌压敏电阻片中提取及制备氧化钴
In this article the productions, such as cobalt oxide, cobaltous oxide and ultrafine cobalt powder, were recovered from the scraps of cobalt and lithium film and residues of treating hard alloys. 本文研究了从钴锂膜废料和硬质合金处理渣中回收生产氧化钴、氧化亚钴、超细钴粉等钴产品。
A Study on Producing Cobaltous Oxide with Potassium Cobaltinitrite Method 亚硝酸钴钾法制取氧化钴的研究